Islamic Wills


“It has been ordained upon you, when death is near one of you, leaving wealth behind, to make a Will…” 2:180

At Castle Family Legal we are delighted to be able to assist with creating Islamic Wills.  

The main difference between an Islamic Will and a non-Islamic Will is that with the Islamic Will, there are specific portions of a person’s estate that should be left to each family member.  Calculations can then be made to find out what percentage of a person’s estate can be inherited by each beneficiary.

The second main difference between an Islamic and non-Islamic Will is that up to 1/3 of an Islamic estate can be left as the deceased person chooses, i.e., to a charity, friends, family, or a combination.  The remaining 2/3+ must be left to relatives as prescribed.  100% of a non-Islamic estate can usually be left as the Testator chooses. 
This means that having a rough idea of your assets and liabilities is crucial to drafting an Islam-compliant Will.  This is something that we at Castle Family Legal can guide you through, step-by-step.  You can email us or give us a call and we’ll be glad to assist.

Other important elements of a Will are common to both Islamic and Non-Islamic Wills, including appointing your Executors, Guardians for young children etc.

There are various other rules governing which relatives can inherit and in which percentages under Islam.  If you would like to know more about Islamic Wills, you can view our Guide.
We’d love to help you create an Islamic Will that will be valid in England and Wales.  Why not get in touch with us today with any queries you have – you will deal with a friendly human being and we always work on a non-obligation basis.